Time & Venue
We’d love to welcome you at 10am on Sunday!
Please note: there will be NO CHURCH gathering on Sunday 8th September because our church family will be meeting together at a family camp instead.
Trinity Church Mt Barker meets every Sunday at 10am at Mt Barker High School, 2 Wellington Rd, Mt Barker, SA.
Parents with prams, the elderly, disabled permit holders, and others requiring close access, are invited to park in front of the gym. There is plenty of other parking available on the school grounds and over the road adjacent to Keith Stephenson Park.
When You Arrive
At the door to the building, you’ll be greeted by a member of our Welcome Team. They’ll introduce themselves and offer to show you to a seat.
Coming to Church with Kids?
If you have children with you, one of the Welcome Team will explain the children’s programs on offer.
Trinity Kids is for children aged 3 up to year 6 in school. Kids’ Church children start in the church gathering with their parents and will be invited to leave for their programs at the appropriate time. (You can go with them to get them settled and see where they’ll be). Kids can be signed in before church starts, so they can go straight upstairs with their leaders at the appropriate time. When signing in, parents will be asked to complete a Personal and Medical Information Form for each child as part of our Safe Ministry obligations.
For younger children we have a quiet room near the Trinity Kids rooms where you can withdraw if needed and which has the service streamed in on the screen so you don’t miss out!
During the Service
There will be some singing (the song words will be on the screens at the front so you can join in if you want to).
Someone will read a section of the Bible (you’ll be able to follow the passage being read on the screen or in one of the church Bibles).
One of the Trinity staff, or occasionally a visiting speaker, will speak for 25-30 minutes, explaining the Bible passage that was read. Normally this part, the sermon, will be on a successive sections of a particular book of the Bible each week, although from time to time we take a look at topics like ‘Suffering’ and examine what the Bible has to say about it.
One of the church members will pray on behalf of everyone, for current issues in the world, for the church and for people in the community.
We don’t ask or expect visitors to contribute financially but if you would like to, there are electronic giving details on our leaflets and a red box at the door where cash can be placed. We would love you to complete the communication tear-off-slip inside the leaflet, so we can welcome you properly. Please place it in the red box at the door.
Once a month, usually the first Sunday in a month, we share communion. This is where Christians eat bread and drink wine or grape juice to remember Jesus’ death in our place, to forgive our rebellion against God. Bread and grape juice (in individual cups) will be passed out among the congregation. If you feel uncomfortable or you’re not a Christian, you can simply pass the bread and juice on without taking any.
After the Service
Please collect your children from their programs!
Everyone is invited to stay for tea & coffee.
One of the Welcome Team who you met on the way in might ask you for your name and contact details. This is so we can give you some more information about Trinity Church Mt Barker or answer any questions you might have. We take your privacy very seriously and don’t pass on personal information to any other organisation.
Catastrophic Fire Days
Trinity Church Mt Barker Sunday services and other events, ie GiG Youth, will NOT be held on days that are declared Catastrophic Fire Days when announced by the CFS for the Mount Lofty Ranges at 4:30pm on the day prior. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.