

Venue update: On September 1st, 8th and 15th, our Sunday gatherings will be held at the Woodcroft Community Centre. This is located 100m up the road from Woodcroft College, right next to the Woodcroft Library and near the shops.

We meet at 10am every Sunday. Whether you’ve never looked into Jesus before, or you’re looking for a new church to call home, we’d love for you to visit.

Finding us

Look out for the big white ‘Trinity Church’ banners near the school crossing on Bains Road to find the car park (see map at the bottom of this page). Follow the signs to the entrance, behind the school’s tall flagpoles.

What to expect

We’re a church that aims to make it easy for anyone to explore the Christian faith, reconnect with God, or keep on living as a follower of Jesus.

It doesn’t matter if you grew up going to church, haven’t been to a church in your life, or haven’t stepped in to a church for years—we’d love for you to come along and bring any questions you may have with you.


When you arrive at the venue, someone will welcome you.

Children have their own rego desk where you can meet the leaders, find out what the children are going to be learning about, and tell us any information we need to care for your child well.

Take a seat when you are ready, anywhere you like. You don’t need to bring anything with you, and you can dress however you like.


Our 10am Sunday gathering is when our whole community comes together. Because Jesus is the reason for our community, our Sundays are centred around learning who he is, what he’s done, and the promises of eternal hope found in God’s word, the Bible. To match the person who shapes our lives and our message, you can expect a Sunday meeting that is:

  • Open, warm and welcoming to everyone from any background and any walk of life. We know we’re right with God because we’re forgiven, not because we’re good—so we don’t expect anything different of anyone else.
  • Family-friendly for children of all ages. You can expect to find a segment in each service where the kids will be involved. Then they’ll head out to other rooms for kids programs during the service.
  • A celebration and thanksgiving for what God has done for us. So we’ll sing about what God has done, reminding each other of the truth, and we’ll pray to God, our Father, who loves to hear from his people.
  • Thought-provoking and practical. Jesus isn’t a dead historical figure who has some wise words for life. He’s God’s risen king who is active in shaping who we are—from the big decisions of life to the day-to-day decisions we make. So when we open the Bible and hear about Jesus, we expect to be changed, because the person speaking is alive and knows us like no other.

Be assured that you won’t be pressured, embarrassed into, or asked to do anything you don’t want to do. You can participate as much or as little as you like. Our one hope is that you’ll hear, see and want to investigate the person who has brought us together.


Our time together continues after the service with a free morning tea. Grab some food and drink and meet some people. We have a wide range of people who call Trinity Church Woodcroft home, and anyone is welcome.

Midweek opportunities

We don’t only meet on Sunday mornings. During the week there are other opportunities to learn about Jesus and enjoy time together in community. You can find more information on our Connect page.